Friday, June 7, 2013

Old Reviews: Planet of the Apes and The Producers

Hollywood classics from 1968 you should watch before March 1st.

The 1968 version of Planet of the Apes is definitely deserving of the title "classic." Charleston Heston plays the star astronaut who lands on a planet in the distant future. Heston and crew explore the planet and discover it's run by damn dirty apes. They're captured and studied by the smelly apes. Ole Heston gets pissed and starts shooting things. Well, it's more complicated than that. One fantastic scene is Heston swimming with the most rigid form you've ever seen, and yet he has barely any distance to cover.

Mel Brooks's "The Producers" is the other 1968 Hollywood classic I'm recommending this week. It's about a theater producer and his accountant (Gene Wilder) who WANT to produce a Broadway musical flop. So, the skim the worst of the worst scripts they can find. They end up choosing "Springtime for Hitler," which was written by a crazy ex-Nazi. Needless to say, the film is hilarious. Watch it before it's no longer streaming, y'all!

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