The original 1932
"Scarface," directed by the very talented and versatile Howard Hawks. Of
course I've seen this one and haven't seen the Brian de Palma version.
Haha. You know me! This version is friggin' awesome though!
It's one of Howard Hawk's best. Capone himself owned a copy of this
film, and film critic/director Jean-Luc Godard said it was the best
American sound film; that's how awesome it is. And if you watch it,
you'll be able to be all like "which 'Scarface' do you mean?" to your
friends when they ask if you've seen "Scarface". LOL! It's on Netflix
Ken Loach's 1969 "Kes" is a remarkable movie. I must
admit that when I sat down to watch it one summer night last summer, I
wasn't expecting much. But I came away with a very rewarding experience
despite this. The film is about a troubled teenager who just so happens
to be really good at training kestrels, even though he's not much good
at anything else. One of the best scenes is the football game, where the
P.E. teacher decides to take part in an all too serious fashion. One
thing though: I recommend watching it with subtitles if you're not used
to the Yorkshire accent. It's on Netflix Instant!
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