Thursday, November 28, 2013

Netflix Leaving: Carrie

Brian De Palma's hilarious, horror masterpiece, "Carrie" is my 28th favorite film of the 70s and my second favorite film of 1976. Unfortunately, it's leaving Netflix Instant on December 1st. The two best parts about this film are the opening sequence in all it's hyper-stylized glory and the interactions between Sissy Spacek's Carrie and Piper Laurie as Carrie's religious-crazed, abusive mother. With the exception of Kubrick's "The Shining" this is probably the best film adaptation of a Stephen King novel. Sissy Spacek is one of the greatest actresses ever. Her subtle performance here is the only one that isn't so hilariously bad that it is good; it's just good. The set up of the plot is perfect. There is not much focus on Carrie's telekinetic powers. That comes later. In the first act, the focus is on Carrie's miserable existence in High School and at home. This makes the powerful ending less of a horror film and more of a Tarantino-style revenge flick. By the final act we're rooting for Carrie, not scared of her power. Again, Spacek is a master here: transforming misfit Carrie into heroic Carrie. One of the best films about a high school misfit, "Carrie," shouldn't be missed. Make sure to watch it before it leaves Netlfix.

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